Wirkstofftransport über biologische Barrieren
Prof. Dr. Claus-Michael Lehr
Die Forschung von Prof. Lehrs Arbeitsgruppe fokussiert sich auf neue Technologien zum sicheren und effizienten Transport von Anti-Infektiva über biologische Barrieren - wie Lunge, Intestinal-Trakt und Haut, aber auch Mucus, Biofilme und die bakterielle Zellwand.
Unsere Forschung
Durch große Fortschritte in der molekularen Biotechnologie und medizinischen Chemie werden immer mehr neue Wirkstoffkandidaten generiert. Bevor aus diesen erfolgreiche Therapeutika entstehen können, müssen jedoch die biopharmazeutischen Eigenschaften, im Besonderen in Bezug auf die Fähigkeit biologische Barrieren in Form von Gewebe, Zellen und zellulären Membranen zu überwinden, optimiert werden. Da eine weitere Optimierung der Wirkstoffe meist nicht möglich ist, werden neue Technologien benötigt, um einen sicheren und effektiven Wirkstofftransport an den Wirkungsort zu ermöglichen, bestenfalls durch eine nicht-invasive Applikation („nadel-frei“). In diesem Kontext arbeiten wir zum einen an innovativen Arzneistofftransportsystemen und auch an prädiktiven in vitro Modellen mit dem Ziel die präklinische Entwicklung zu beschleunigen und eine Translation zur klinischen Anwendung zu ermöglichen.

Prof. Dr. Claus-Michael Lehr

Anna Katharina Radu
Projekt- und Office-Management

Sarah Müller

Dr. Brigitta Loretz

Dr. Nicole Schneider-Daum

Achim Biesel

Aljoscha Gabelmann

Anne Rindchen

Jialiang Xie

Karen de Oliveira Cruvinel

Komal Zahid

Leon Schwarz

Max Gnamonei Koumou-Okandze

Mohamed A.M. Kamal

Tobias Neu

Walaa M. Metwally Abdelghany

Clara Charlotte Wiehe
Technische Assistentin

Pascal Paul
Technischer Assistent

Tabea Trampert
Technische Assistentin
LUNG-ON-A-CHIP: Bioengineered microfluidic in vitro test system to study alveolar transport and clearance
Ziel dieses Projektes ist die Entwicklung und Integration eines innovativen Mikrofluidik Systems, welches die wesentlichen physiologischen Funktionen der Lunge sowie ihre einzigartige zelluläre Zusammensetzung nachahmt. Unsere organ-on-chip Systeme bilden, durch die Rekonstitution des humanen Alveolar Epithels in vitro, eine integrative Plattform die sowohl die Analyse des Stofftransports über die Luft-Blut-Schranke ermöglicht als auch die Untersuchung der Stoffaufnahme in und den anschließenden Abtransport durch alveolare Makrophagen erlaubt. Solche Modelle, in erkranktem sowie gesundem Zustand, werden voraussichtlich einen großen Einfluss auf die prädiktive präklinische Charakterisierung von neuartigen medizinischen Aerosolen haben.
ANTI-TB: Antibiotika-beladene Nanocarrier zur Therapeutischen Inhalation gegen Tuberkulose
Gegenstand und Ziel des ANTI-TB Projektes ist die Entwicklung einer neuartigen Therapieform für Tuberkulose, weil sie ist die weltweit wichtigste Bakterieninfektion des Menschen darstellt. Ihre Bekämpfung wird durch vermehrtes Auftreten therapieresistenter Erregerstämme behindert. Das Projekt nutzt einen nanomedizinischen Ansatz, um die unbefriedigende Therapiesituation besonders der Infektionen mit therapieresistenten Erregern zu verbessern und weitere Resistenzentwicklungen zu vermindern. Dazu sollen Nanocarrier mit spezifischen Oberflächenmodifikationen, die sie zielgerichtet zu Infektionsherden, zu infizierten Zellen und zu den Erregern lenken, mit neuen anti-TB Wirkstoffen kombiniert (Antibiotika-NC) und optimiert werden. Zur einfachen Anwendung sollen die wirksamsten Antibiotika-NC letztlich in eine Aerosol- bzw. Pulverinhalationstherapie überführt werden. Die Strategie zielt darauf ab, Wirkstoffkonzentrationen in der Lunge lokal zu erhöhen, um die Therapiedauer zu verkürzen, das Auftreten therapieresistenter Erreger zu minimieren, systemische Nebenwirkungen zu mindern und damit die Bereitschaft der Patienten zur Therapie zu verbessern. Das HIPS untersucht dabei die Auswirkungen und Interaktionen der Nanopartikel mit den physiologischen Flüssigkeiten Mucus und Lungensurfactant, sowie den Makrophagen und Epithelzellen. Aus den Nanopartikeln entwickeln wir eine lungengängige Pulverformulierung.
Projekthomepage: http://antitb.fz-borstel.de/index.php/de/

NEW DEAL: New nanotherapy research for inflammatory bowel diseases
Das NEW DEAL Projekt arbeitet daran eine hochselektive und lokale Therapie mit einem verbesserten Wirksamkeits- und Sicherheitsprofil für IBD-Patienten zu entwickeln. Dazu werden spezifische anti-Jak-1 bzw. Jak-3 siRNAs, Nanopartikelträger und eine Formulierung zur oralen Gabe entwickelt. Diese Behandlung könnte eine Alternative zu den bestehenden Therapien sein. In diesem Projekt bringt das HIPS sein Expertenwissen zu fortgeschrittenen Kokulturmodellen der entzündeten Darmbarriere und der Mucusbarriere ein. Wir untersuchen die Fähigkeit der Nanopartikel zur Überwindung der intestinalen Barrieren.
Projekthomepage: https://newdeal-project.eu/

Biodynamer Nano-Complexes and -Emulsions for Peptide and Protein Drug Delivery
Liu Y, Hamm T, Eichinger T, Kamm W, Wieland H, Loretz B, Hirsch A, Lee S, Lehr C (2024)
Int. J. Nanomedicine 19: 4429-4449DOI: 10.2147/IJN.S448578
A stretchable human lung‐on‐chip model of alveolar inflammation for evaluating anti‐inflammatory drug response
Richter C, Latta L, Harig D, Carius P, Stucki J, Hobi N, Hugi A, Schumacher P, Krebs T, Gamrekeli A, …, Schneider-Daum N, Lehr C (2024)
Bioengineering & Transla MedDOI: 10.1002/btm2.10715
Design and evaluation of nanostructured lipid carrier of Bergenin isolated from Pentaclethra macrophylla for anti-inflammatory effect on lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory responses in macrophages
Nnamani P, Nwagwu C, Diovu E, Abonyi O, Nesterkina M, Neu T, Richter C, Loretz B, Lehr C (2024)
Eur J Pharm Biopharm 200DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2024.114307
Biopolymeric and lipid-based nanotechnological strategies for the design and development of novel mosquito repellent systems: recent advances
Nwagwu C, Onugwu A, Echezona A, Uzondu S, Agbo C, Kenechukwu F, Ogbonna J, Ugorji L, Nwobi L, Nwobi O, …, Lehr C, Attama A (2024)
Nanoscale advances 6 (19): 4751-80DOI: 10.1039/d4na00474d
A New Class of Polyion Complex Vesicles (PIC-somes) to Improve Antimicrobial Activity of Tobramycin in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Biofilms
Yildirim T, Bali A, Koch M, Paul P, Latta L, Schneider-Daum N, Gallei M, Lehr C (2024)
Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 20 (40)DOI: 10.1002/smll.202401926
Realizing time-staggered expression of nucleic acid-encoded proteins by co-delivery of messenger RNA and plasmid DNA on a single nanocarrier
Nasr S, Paul P, Loretz B, Lehr C (2024)
Drug delivery and translational research 14 (12): 3339-3353DOI: 10.1007/s13346-024-01668-w
Antimicrobial and antibiotic-potentiating effect of calcium peroxide nanoparticles on oral bacterial biofilms
Bankar N, Latta L, Loretz B, Reda B, Dudek J, Hähl H, Hannig M, Lehr C (2024)
npj Biofilms and Microbiomes 10 (1)DOI: 10.1038/s41522-024-00569-7
A Novel 3D Printed Model of Infected Human Hair Follicles to Demonstrate Targeted Delivery of Nanoantibiotics
Aliyazdi S, Frisch S, Neu T, Veldung B, Karande P, Schaefer U, Loretz B, Vogt T, Lehr C (2024)
ACS biomaterials science & engineering 10 (8): 4947-4957DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.4c00570
Arg-biodynamers as antibiotic potentiators through interacting with Gram-negative outer membrane lipopolysaccharides
Kamal M, Bassil J, Loretz B, Hirsch A, Lee S, Lehr C (2024)
Eur J Pharm Biopharm 200DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2024.114336
Thermotropic liquid crystals in drug delivery: A versatile carrier for controlled release
Nesterkina M, Kravchenko* I, Hirsch A, Lehr C (2024)
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 200DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2024.114343
Targeting Intracellular Bacteria with Dual Drug-loaded Lactoferrin Nanoparticles
Andima M, Boese A, Paul P, Koch M, Loretz B, Lehr C (2024)
ACS Infect. Dis.DOI: 10.1021/acsinfecdis.4c00045
Antibiotic resistance and tolerance: What can drug delivery do against this global threat?
Aparicio-Blanco J, Vishwakarma N, Lehr C, Prestidge C, Thomas N, Roberts R, Thorn C, Melero A (2024)
Drug delivery and translational researchDOI: 10.1007/s13346-023-01513-6
Minimum Information for Conducting and Reporting In Vitro Intracellular Infection Assays
Subramaniam S, Joyce P, Ogunniyi A, Dube A, Sampson S, Lehr C, Prestidge C (2024)
ACS Infect. Dis. 10 (2): 337-349DOI: 10.1021/acsinfecdis.3c00613
Drug solubility in biorelevant media in the context of an inhalation-based biopharmaceutics classification system (iBCS)
Floroiu A, Loretz B, Krämer J, Lehr C (2024)
Eur J Pharm Biopharm 197DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2024.114206
Biorelevant subcutaneous in vitro test predicts the release of human and fast acting insulin formulations
Schöner T, Vogel V, Venczel M, Knoth K, Kamm W, Paehler T, Louit G, Terán I, Mundinger P, Marker A, …, Hittinger M, Lehr C (2024)
Int. J. Pharm. 655DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2024.123995
A Monoclonal Human Alveolar Epithelial Cell Line ("Arlo") with Pronounced Barrier Function for Studying Drug Permeability and Viral Infections
Carius P, Jungmann A, Bechtel M, Grißmer A, Boese A, Gasparoni G, Salhab A, Seipelt R, Urbschat K, Richter C, …, Schneider-Daum N, Lehr C (2023)
Adv. Sci. 10 (8)DOI: 10.1002/advs.202207301
Simulated Tempering-Enhanced Umbrella Sampling Improves Convergence of Free Energy Calculations of Drug Membrane Permeation
Sousa C, Becker R, Lehr C, Kalinina O, Hub J (2023)
Journal of chemical theory and computation 19 (6): 1898-1907DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.2c01162
Preparation of Co-Amorphous Levofloxacin Systems for Pulmonary Application
Gabelmann A, Lehr C, Grohganz H (2023)
Pharmaceutics 15 (6)DOI: 10.3390/pharmaceutics15061574
Overview of Inhaled Nanopharmaceuticals
Barthold S, Kunschke N, Murgia X, Loretz B, Carvalho-Wodarz C, Lehr C (2023)
Journal of aerosol medicine and pulmonary drug delivery 36 (3): 144-151DOI: 10.1089/jamp.2023.29089.sb
Cell-Derived Vesicles for Antibiotic Delivery-Understanding the Challenges of a Biogenic Carrier System
Heinrich E, Hartwig O, Walt C, Kardani A, Koch M, Jahromi L, Hoppstädter J, Kiemer A, Loretz B, Lehr C, Fuhrmann G (2023)
Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 19 (25)DOI: 10.1002/smll.202207479
Formulation of benznidazole-lipid nanocapsules: Drug release, permeability, biocompatibility, and stability studies
Arrua E, Hartwig O, Loretz B, Murgia X, Ho D, Bastiat G, Lehr C, Salomon C (2023)
Int. J. Pharm. 642DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2023.123120
Establishment of an In Bacterio Assay for the Assessment of Carbon Storage Regulator A (CsrA) Inhibitors
Wu Y, Zoller B, Kamal M, Hotop S, Lehr C, Brönstrup M, Dersch P, Empting M (2023)
Chembiochem : a European journal of chemical biology 24 (16)DOI: 10.1002/cbic.202300369
Anti-Inflammatory and Antinociceptive Activity of Herbal Lipospheres of Pentaclethra macrophylla (Fabaceae) Stem Bark Extract
Nnamani P, Diovu E, Peter I, Onwuka A, Ogbuanwu C, Abonyi O, Loretz B, Lehr C (2023)
Processes 11 (9)DOI: 10.3390/pr11092557
Functional Materials to Overcome Bacterial Barriers and Models to Advance Their Development
Bali A, Kamal M, Mulla G, Loretz B, Lehr C (2023)
Advanced Functional Materials 33 (45)DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202304370
3D bioprinting ofE. coliMG1655 biofilms on human lung epithelial cells for building complexin vitroinfection models
Aliyazdi S, Frisch S, Hidalgo A, Frank N, Krug D, Müller R, Schaefer U, Vogt T, Loretz B, Lehr C (2023)
Biofabrication 15 (3)DOI: 10.1088/1758-5090/acd95e
Disrupting Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus (KSHV) Latent Replication with a Small Molecule Inhibitor
Berwanger A, Stein S, Kany A, Gartner M, Loretz B, Lehr C, Hirsch A, Schulz T, Empting M (2023)
Journal of medicinal chemistry 66 (15): 10782-10790DOI: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.3c00990
pH-Responsive Dynaplexes as Potent Apoptosis Inductors by Intracellular Delivery of Survivin siRNA
Liu Y, Ashmawy S, Latta L, Weiss A, Kiefer A, Nasr S, Loretz B, Hirsch A, Lee S, Lehr C (2023)
Biomacromolecules 24 (8): 3742-3754DOI: 10.1021/acs.biomac.3c00424
Thermoresponsive cholesteric liquid-crystal systems doped with terpenoids as drug delivery systems for skin applications
Nesterkina M, Vashchenko O, Vashchenko P, Lisetski L, Kravchenko I, Hirsch A, Lehr C (2023)
European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics : official journal of Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik e.VDOI: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2023.09.002
Improving the oral delivery of benznidazole nanoparticles by optimizing the formulation parameters through a design of experiment and optimization strategy
Arrua E, Hartwig O, Loretz B, Goicoechea H, Murgia X, Lehr C, Salomon C (2022)
Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces 217DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2022.112678
Modeling the Effect of Hydrophobicity on the Passive Permeation of Solutes across a Bacterial Model Membrane
Sousa C, Kamal M, Richter R, Elamaldeniya K, Hartmann R, Empting M, Lehr C, Kalinina O (2022)
Journal of chemical information and modeling 62 (20): 5023-5033DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.2c00767
Lipid-Polymer Hybrid Nanoparticles for mRNA Delivery to Dendritic Cells: Impact of Lipid Composition on Performance in Different Media
Kliesch L, Delandre S, Gabelmann A, Koch M, Schulze K, Guzmán C, Loretz B, Lehr C (2022)
Pharmaceutics 14 (12)DOI: 10.3390/pharmaceutics14122675
Intracellular Dynamics of Extracellular Vesicles by Segmented Trajectory Analysis
Rautaniemi K, John T, Richter M, Huck B, Zini J, Loretz B, Lehr C, Vuorimaa-Laukkanen E, Lisitsyna E, Laaksonen T (2022)
Analytical chemistry 94 (51): 17770-17778DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.2c02928
Proteoid biodynamers for safe mRNA transfection via pH-responsive nanorods enabling endosomal escape
Lee S, Nasr S, Rasheed S, Liu Y, Hartwig O, Kaya C, Boese A, Koch M, Herrmann J, Müller R, …, Hirsch A, Lehr C (2022)
Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society 353: 915-929DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2022.12.018
Leaky gut model of the human intestinal mucosa for testing siRNA-based nanomedicine targeting JAK1
Hartwig O, Loretz B, Nougarede A, Jary D, Sulpice E, Gidrol X, Navarro F, Lehr C (2022)
J Control Release 345: 646-660DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2022.03.037
Themed issue: Extracellular vesicles in drug delivery and bioengineering
Fuhrmann G, Lehr C, Schiffelers R (2022)
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 181DOI: 10.1016/j.addr.2021.114073
An Outer Membrane Vesicle-Based Permeation Assay (OMPA) for Assessing Bacterial Bioavailability
Richter R, Kamal M, Koch M, Niebuur B, Huber A, Goes A, Volz C, Vergalli J, Kraus T, Müller R, …, Pagès J, Lehr C (2022)
Advanced healthcare materials 11 (5)DOI: 10.1002/adhm.202101180
Targeting extracellular lectins of Pseudomonas aeruginosa with glycomimetic liposomes
Metelkina O, Huck B, O'Connor J, Koch M, Manz A, Lehr C, Titz A (2022)
Journal of Materials Chemistry B 10 (4): 537-548DOI: 10.1039/d1tb02086b
Nano-in-Microparticles for Aerosol Delivery of Antibiotic-Loaded, Fucose-Derivatized, and Macrophage-Targeted Liposomes to Combat Mycobacterial Infections: In Vitro Deposition, Pulmonary Barrier Interactions, and Targeted Delivery
Huck B, Thiyagarajan D, Bali A, Boese A, Besecke K, Hozsa C, Gieseler R, Furch M, Carvalho-Wodarz C, Waldow F, …, Loretz B, Lehr C (2022)
Advanced healthcare materials 11 (11)DOI: 10.1002/adhm.202102117
Spray-dried pneumococcal membrane vesicles are promising candidates for pulmonary immunization
Mehanny M, Boese A, Bornamehr B, Hoppstädter J, Presser V, Kiemer A, Lehr C, Fuhrmann G (2022)
International journal of pharmaceutics 621DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2022.121794
Transferring Microclusters of P. aeruginosa Biofilms to the Air-Liquid Interface of Bronchial Epithelial Cells for Repeated Deposition of Aerosolized Tobramycin
Horstmann J, Laric A, Boese A, Yildiz D, Röhrig T, Empting M, Frank N, Krug D, Müller R, Schneider-Daum N, Souza Carvalho-Wodarz C, Lehr C (2022)
ACS infectious diseases 8 (1): 137-149DOI: 10.1021/acsinfecdis.1c00444
Yields and Immunomodulatory Effects of Pneumococcal Membrane Vesicles Differ with the Bacterial Growth Phase
Mehanny M, Kroniger T, Koch M, Hoppstädter J, Becher D, Kiemer A, Lehr C, Fuhrmann G (2022)
Advanced healthcare materials 11 (5)DOI: 10.1002/adhm.202101151
Exploring the permeation of fluoroquinolone metalloantibiotics across outer membrane porins by combining molecular dynamics simulations and a porin-mimetic in vitro model
Sousa C, Coimbra J, Richter R, Morais-Cabral J, Ramos M, Lehr C, Fernandes P, Gameiro P (2022)
Biochimica et biophysica acta. Biomembranes 1864 (3)DOI: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2021.183838
Models using native tracheobronchial mucus in the context of pulmonary drug delivery research: Composition, structure and barrier properties
Huck B, Murgia X, Frisch S, Hittinger M, Hidalgo A, Loretz B, Lehr C (2022)
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 183DOI: 10.1016/j.addr.2022.114141
Towards the sustainable discovery and development of new antibiotics
Miethke M, Pieroni M, Weber T, Brönstrup M, Hammann P, Halby L, Arimondo P, Glaser P, Aigle B, Bode H, …, Moser H, Müller R (2021)
Nature reviews. Chemistry 5 (10): 726-749DOI: 10.1038/s41570-021-00313-1
Surfactant-Free Glibenclamide Nanoparticles: Formulation, Characterization and Evaluation of Interactions with Biological Barriers
Arrua E, Hartwig O, Ho D, Loretz B, Murgia X, Salomon C, Lehr C (2021)
Pharmaceutical research 38 (6): 1081-1092DOI: 10.1007/s11095-021-03056-2
PerfuPul-A Versatile Perfusable Platform to Assess Permeability and Barrier Function of Air Exposed Pulmonary Epithelia
Carius P, Dubois A, Ajdarirad M, Artzy-Schnirman A, Sznitman J, Schneider-Daum N, Lehr C (2021)
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 9DOI: 10.3389/fbioe.2021.743236
Pulmonary in vitro instruments for the replacement of animal experiments
Primavessy D, Metz J, Schnur S, Schneider M, Lehr C, Hittinger M (2021)
European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics : official journal of Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik e.V 168: 62-75DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2021.08.005
Co-Delivery of mRNA and pDNA Using Thermally Stabilized Coacervate-Based Core-Shell Nanosystems
Nasr S, Lee S, Thiyagarajan D, Boese A, Loretz B, Lehr C (2021)
Pharmaceutics 13 (11)DOI: 10.3390/pharmaceutics13111924
A pulmonary mucus surrogate for investigating antibiotic permeation and activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms
Frisch S, Boese A, Huck B, Horstmann J, Ho D, Schwarzkopf K, Murgia X, Loretz B, Souza Carvalho-Wodarz C, Lehr C (2021)
The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 76 (6): 1472-1479DOI: 10.1093/jac/dkab068
Formulation and evaluation of transdermal nanogel for delivery of artemether
Nnamani P, Ugwu A, Nnadi O, Kenechukwu F, Ofokansi K, Attama A, Lehr C (2021)
Drug delivery and translational research 11 (4): 1655-1674DOI: 10.1007/s13346-021-00951-4
Analysis and Optimization of Two Film-Coated Tablet Production Processes by Computer Simulation: A Case Study
Hering S, Schäuble N, Buck T, Loretz B, Rillmann T, Stieneker F, Lehr C (2021)
Processes 9 (1)DOI: 10.3390/pr9010067
Tobramycin Liquid Crystal Nanoparticles Eradicate Cystic Fibrosis-Related Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms
Thorn C, Carvalho-Wodarz C, Horstmann J, Lehr C, Prestidge C, Thomas N (2021)
Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 17 (24)DOI: 10.1002/smll.202100531
Drug delivery to the inflamed intestinal mucosa- targeting technologies and human cell culture models for better therapies of IBD
Olga H, Shetab Boushehri Maryam A, Shalaby Karim S, Brigitta L, Alf L, Claus-Michael L (2021)
Advanced Drug Delivery ReviewsDOI: 10.1016/j.addr.2021.113828
Human Skin Permeation Enhancement Using PLGA Nanoparticles Is Mediated by Local pH Changes
Luengo J, Schneider M, Schneider A, Lehr C, Schaefer U (2021)
Pharmaceutics 13 (10)DOI: 10.3390/pharmaceutics13101608
Drug delivery for fighting infectious diseases: a global perspective
Loretz B, Oh Y, Hudson S, Gu Z, Lehr C (2021)
Drug delivery and translational research 11 (4): 1316-1322DOI: 10.1007/s13346-021-01009-1
Second-generation lung-on-a-chip with an array of stretchable alveoli made with a biological membrane
Zamprogno P, Wüthrich S, Achenbach S, Thoma G, Stucki J, Hobi N, Schneider-Daum N, Lehr C, Huwer H, Geiser T, Schmid R, Guenat O (2021)
Communications Biology 4 (1)DOI: 10.1038/s42003-021-01695-0
Development and evaluation of a quality control system based on transdermal electrical resistance for skin barrier function in vitro
Knoth K, Zäh R, Veldung B, Burgio D, Wiegand B, Smola H, Bock U, Lehr C, Hittinger M, Groß H (2021)
Skin research and technology : official journal of International Society for Bioengineering and the Skin (ISBS) [and] International Society for Digital Imaging of Skin (ISDIS) [and] International Society for Skin Imaging (ISSI)DOI: 10.1111/srt.12998
Fucosylated lipid nanocarriers loaded with antibiotics efficiently inhibit mycobacterial propagation in human myeloid cells
Durán V, Grabski E, Hozsa C, Becker J, Yasar H, Monteiro J, Costa B, Koller N, Lueder Y, Wiegmann B, …, Graalmann T, Kalinke U (2021)
Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society 334: 201-212DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2021.04.012
Microbiota and cancer: In vitro and in vivo models to evaluate nanomedicines
Ladaycia A, Loretz B, Passirani C, Lehr C, Lepeltier E (2021)
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 170: 44-70DOI: 10.1016/j.addr.2020.12.015
A Custom-Made Device for Reproducibly Depositing Pre-metered Doses of Nebulized Drugs on Pulmonary Cells in vitro
Horstmann J, Thorn C, Carius P, Graef F, Murgia X, Souza Carvalho-Wodarz C, Lehr C (2021)
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 9DOI: 10.3389/fbioe.2021.643491
Testing of aerosolized ciprofloxacin nanocarriers on cystic fibrosis airway cells infected with P. aeruginosa biofilms
Juntke J, Murgia X, Günday Türeli N, Türeli A, Thorn C, Schneider M, Schneider-Daum N, Souza Carvalho-Wodarz C, Lehr C (2021)
Drug delivery and translational research 11 (4): 1752-1765DOI: 10.1007/s13346-021-01002-8
Decoding (patho-)physiology of the lung by advanced in vitro models for developing novel anti-infectives therapies
Montefusco-Pereira C, Carvalho-Wodarz C, Seeger J, Kloft C, Michelet R, Lehr C (2021)
Drug Discovery Today 26 (1): 148-163DOI: 10.1016/j.drudis.2020.10.016
A New PqsR Inverse Agonist Potentiates Tobramycin Efficacy to Eradicate Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms
Schütz C, Ho D, Hamed M, Abdelsamie A, Röhrig T, Herr C, Kany A, Rox K, Schmelz S, Siebenbürger L, …, Lehr C, Empting M (2021)
Advanced science (Weinheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany) 8 (12)DOI: 10.1002/advs.202004369
Spray-dried lactose-leucine microparticles for pulmonary delivery of antimycobacterial nanopharmaceuticals
Thiyagarajan D, Huck B, Nothdurft B, Koch M, Rudolph D, Rutschmann M, Feldmann C, Hozsa C, Furch M, Besecke K, …, Loretz B, Lehr C (2021)
Drug delivery and translational research 11 (4): 1766-1778DOI: 10.1007/s13346-021-01011-7
Extracellular vesicles as antigen carriers for novel vaccination avenues
Mehanny M, Lehr C, Fuhrmann G (2021)
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 173: 164-180DOI: 10.1016/j.addr.2021.03.016
Extracellular vesicles as novel assay tools to study cellular interactions of anti-infective compounds - A perspective
Richter R, Lehr C (2021)
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 173: 492-503DOI: 10.1016/j.addr.2021.04.010
Disease Models: Lung Models for Testing Drugs Against Inflammation and Infection
Carius P, Horstmann J, Souza Carvalho-Wodarz C, Lehr C (2021)
Handbook of experimental pharmacology 265: 157-186DOI: 10.1007/164_2020_366
Eap-functionalized liposomes as a bioinspired delivery system for oral delivery of colistin to treat intracellular Salmonella infection
Menina S (2021)
Mastering the Gram-Negative Bacterial Barrier - Chemical Approaches to Increase Bacterial Bioavailability of Antibiotics
Ropponen H, Richter R, Hirsch A, Lehr C (2021)
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Tobacco Smoke and Inhaled Drugs Alter Expression and Activity of Multidrug Resistance-Associated Protein-1 (MRP1) in Human Distal Lung Epithelial Cells in vitro
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Towards a Continuous Manufacturing Process of Protein-Loaded Polymeric Nanoparticle Powders
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A hydrogel-based in vitro assay for the fast prediction of antibiotic accumulation in Gram-negative bacteria
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Micro-rheological properties of lung homogenates correlate with infection severity in a mouse model of Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung infection
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Modulating the Barrier Function of Human Alveolar Epithelial (hAELVi) Cell Monolayers as a Model of Inflammation
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Spray-dried multidrug particles for pulmonary co-delivery of antibiotics with N-acetylcysteine and curcumin-loaded PLGA-nanoparticles
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Synthesis and Biopharmaceutical Characterization of Amphiphilic Squalenyl Derivative Based Versatile Drug Delivery Platform
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Tofacitinib Loaded Squalenyl Nanoparticles for Targeted Follicular Delivery in Inflammatory Skin Diseases
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Predicting Bacterial Accumulation of Anti-infectives by Measuring Permeability across Surrogates of the Gram-negative Bacterial Cell Envelope
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Predicting Bacterial Accumulation of Anti-infectives by Measuring Permeability across Surrogates of the Gram-negative Bacterial Cell Envelope
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PLGA nanocapsules improve the delivery of clarithromycin to kill intracellular Staphylococcus aureus and Mycobacterium abscessus
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Advancing human in vitro pulmonary disease models in preclinical research: opportunities for lung-on-chips
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P. aeruginosa Infected 3D Co-Culture of Bronchial Epithelial Cells and Macrophages at Air-Liquid Interface for Preclinical Evaluation of Anti-Infectives
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Safety assessment of excipients (SAFE) for orally inhaled drug products
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Nanoparticle Targeting to Scalp Hair Follicles: New Perspectives for a Topical Therapy for Alopecia Areata
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pH-Dependent morphology and optical properties of lysine-derived molecular biodynamers
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Itaconic Acid Increases the Efficacy of Tobramycin against Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms
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Squalenyl Hydrogen Sulfate Nanoparticles for Simultaneous Delivery of Tobramycin and an Alkylquinolone Quorum Sensing Inhibitor Enable the Eradication of P. aeruginosa Biofilm Infections
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Design and in vitro characterization of multistage silicon-PLGA budesonide particles for inflammatory bowel disease
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3D air-liquid interface culture of Cystic Fibrosis bronchial epithelia, macrophages and P. aeruginosa to assess host-pathogen interaction and drug efficacy
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Inhalationstoxizität von Nanopartikeln // The role of alveolar macrophages in biokinetics and biological effects of inhaled nanoparticles
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Coupling quaternary ammonium surfactants to the surface of liposomes improves both antibacterial efficacy and host cell biocompatibility
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Streptococcal Extracellular Membrane Vesicles Are Rapidly Internalized by Immune Cells and Alter Their Cytokine Release
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Macro- and Microrheological Properties of Mucus Surrogates in Comparison to Native Intestinal and Pulmonary Mucus
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Triple co-culture of human alveolar epithelium, endothelium and macrophages for studying the interaction of nanocarriers with the air-blood barrier
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Challenges and Strategies in Drug Delivery Systems for Treatment of Pulmonary Infections
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Advanced in vitro lung-on-chip platforms for inhalation assays: From prospect to pipeline
Artzy-Schnirman A, Hobi N, Schneider-Daum N, Guenat O, Lehr C, Sznitman J (2019)
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OCTN2-Mediated Acetyl-l-Carnitine Transport in Human Pulmonary Epithelial Cells In Vitro
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Preparation, characterization and in vitro antibacterial property of Ciprofloxacin-loaded nanostructured lipid carrier for treatment of Bacillus subtilis infection
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Capturing the Onset of Bacterial Pulmonary Infection in Acini‐On‐Chips
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The synergistic effect of chlorotoxin-mApoE in boosting drug-loaded liposomes across the BBB
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Bioinspired Liposomes for Oral Delivery of Colistin to Combat Intracellular Infections by Salmonella enterica
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Preferential uptake of chitosan-coated PLGA nanoparticles by primary human antigen presenting cells
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Mechanistic profiling of the release kinetics of siRNA from lipidoid-polymer hybrid nanoparticles in vitro and in vivo after pulmonary administration
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Non-invasive vaccination by nanoparticle-based messenger RNA (mRNA) delivery via the transfollicular route
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Interaction of nanoparticles with the pulmonary barrier; The role of mucus in health and disease // The Role of Airway Mucus as a Barrier to Nanoparticles: Implications for Pulmonary Drug Delivery
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Pseudobacterial nanocarriers for intracellular delivery of anti-infectives
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Author Correction: Extracellular vesicles protect glucuronidase model enzymes during freeze-drying (Scientific Reports, (2018), 8, 1, (12377), 10.1038/s41598-018-30786-y)
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Kinetics of mRNA delivery and protein translation in dendritic cells using lipid-coated PLGA nanoparticles
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Can lifecycle management safeguard innovation in the pharmaceutical industry?
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The role of mucus on drug transport and its potential to affect therapeutic outcomes
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Oral delivery of macromolecular drugs
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Vibrational spectroscopic imaging and live cell video microscopy for studying differentiation of primary human alveolar epithelial cells
Vukosavljevic B, Hittinger M, Hachmeister H, Pilger C, Murgia X, Gepp M, Gentile L, Huwer H, Schneider-Daum N, Huser T, Lehr C, Windbergs M (2018)
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Human airway mucus alters susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms to tobramycin, but not colistin
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Farnesylated Glycol Chitosan as a Platform for Drug Delivery
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Chemically modified h CFTR mRNAs recuperate lung function in a mouse model of cystic fibrosis
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In Vitro Model of the Gram-Negative Bacterial Cell Envelope for Investigation of Anti-Infective Permeation Kinetics
Graef F, Richter R, Fetz V, Murgia X, Rossi C, Schneider-Daum N, Allegretta G, Elgaher W, Haupenthal J, Empting M, …, Gordon S, Lehr C (2018)
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Polysaccharide Submicrocarrier for Improved Pulmonary Delivery of Poorly Soluble Anti-infective Ciprofloxacin
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Combining MucilAir™ and Vitrocell® Powder Chamber for the In Vitro Evaluation of Nasal Ointments in the Context of Aerosolized Pollen
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A miRNA181a/NFAT5 axis links impaired T cell tolerance induction with autoimmune type 1 diabetes
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Co-culture of human alveolar epithelial (hAELVi) and macrophage (THP-1) cell lines
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Starch-Chitosan Polyplexes
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Towards Standardized Dissolution Techniques for In Vitro Performance Testing of Dry Powder Inhalers
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Medium throughput breathing human primary cell alveolus-on-chip model
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Murine alveolar epithelial cells and their lentivirus-mediated immortalisation
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Postmenopausaler Lichen planopilaris alias fibrosierende frontotemporale Alopezie Kossard
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A novel co-culture model of human bronchial epithelial cells and Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms to mimic chronic lung infections in cystic fibrosis
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Novel anti-infective delivery systems for the treatment of pulmonary bacterial infections
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Aspherical and Spherical InvA497-Functionalized Nanocarriers for Intracellular Delivery of Anti-Infective Agents
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Extracellular vesicles protect glucuronidase model enzymes during freeze-drying
Frank J, Richter M, Rossi C, Lehr C, Fuhrmann K, Fuhrmann G (2018)
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Increased survival and proliferation of the epidemic strain Mycobacterium abscessus subsp. massiliense CRM0019 in alveolar epithelial cells
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3D printed tablets loaded with polymeric nanocapsules: An innovative approach to produce customized drug delivery systems
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Functional electrospun fibers for the treatment of human skin wounds
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Controlling the Release of Proteins from Therapeutic Nanofibers: The Effect of Fabrication Modalities on Biocompatibility and Antimicrobial Activity of Lysozyme
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Redispersible spray-dried lipid-core nanocapsules intended for oral delivery
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Circulating Lipoproteins: A Trojan Horse Guiding Squalenoylated Drugs to LDL-Accumulating Cancer Cells
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Permanent gene correction by means of nucleotide-modified messenger RNA
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Cell and tissue-based in vitro models for improving the development of oral inhalation drug products
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Nanoencapsulation of a glucocorticoid improves barrier function and anti-inflammatory effect on monolayers of pulmonary epithelial cell lines
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Modelling the bronchial barrier in pulmonary drug delivery
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Targeted delivery of Cyclosporine A by polymeric nanocarriers improves the therapy of inflammatory bowel disease in a relevant mouse model
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Expression and Activity of Breast Cancer Resistance Protein (BCRP/ABCG2) in Human Distal Lung Epithelial Cells In Vitro
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Tracing molecular and structural changes upon mucolysis with N-acetyl cysteine in human airway mucus
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Biodegradable starch derivatives with tunable charge density-synthesis, characterization, and transfection efficiency
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Calcifediol-loaded liposomes for local treatment of pulmonary bacterial infections
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A Model for the Transient Subdiffusive Behavior of Particles in Mucus
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Ciprofloxacin-loaded PLGA nanoparticles against cystic fibrosis P. aeruginosa lung infections
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A foam model highlights the differences of the macro- and microrheology of respiratory horse mucus
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Lung alveoli array-on-chip with a bioartificial membrane
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Diverse Applications of Nanomedicine
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Modeling the Gram-negative bacterial cell envelope
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Modeling and simulation of the interaction between particles and pulmonary mucus
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Interleukin-10-Loaded Nano- and Microparticles for the Local Treatment of the Intestinal Mucosa and the Deep Lung
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Autologous coculture of primary human alveolar epithelial cells and macrophages for evaluating the safety and efficacy of novel inhalation pharmaceuticals
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Sustained drug delivery for local treatment of joint diseases
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New Horizons in the Development of Novel Needle-Free Immunization Strategies to Increase Vaccination Efficacy
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Anti-infectives in Drug Delivery-Overcoming the Gram-Negative Bacterial Cell Envelope
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The bacterial cell envelope as delimiter of anti-infective bioavailability – An in vitro permeation model of the Gram-negative bacterial inner membrane
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Lymphatic endothelial cells are a replicative niche for Mycobacterium tuberculosis
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Intracellular Delivery of Poorly Soluble Polyphenols: Elucidating the Interplay of Self-Assembling Nanocarriers and Human Chondrocytes
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Synthesis of a deuterated probe for the confocal Raman microscopy imaging of squalenoyl nanomedicines
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Beilstein journal of organic chemistry 12: 1127-35DOI: 10.3762/bjoc.12.109
Monitoring Drug Release from Electrospun Fibers Using an In Situ Fiber-Optic System
Seif S, Graef F, Gordon S, Windbergs M (2016)
Dissolution Technologies 23 (2): 6-11DOI: 10.14227/DT230216P6
Three-dimensional hierarchical cultivation of human skin cells on bio-adaptive hybrid fibers
Planz V, Seif S, Atchison J, Vukosavljevic B, Sparenberg L, Kroner E, Windbergs M (2016)
Integrative biology : quantitative biosciences from nano to macro 8 (7): 775-84DOI: 10.1039/c6ib00080k
Novel insights into controlled drug release from coated pellets by confocal Raman microscopy
Vukosavljevic B, Kinder L, Siepmann J, Muschert S, Windbergs M (2016)
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Non-invasive insight into the release mechanisms of a poorly soluble drug from amorphous solid dispersions by confocal Raman microscopy
Puncochová K, Vukosavljevic B, Hanuš J, Beránek J, Windbergs M, Štepánek F (2016)
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 101: 119-25DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2016.02.001
Surface-modified yeast cells: A novel eukaryotic carrier for oral application
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In vitro models for evaluating safety and efficacy of novel technologies for skin drug delivery
Planz V, Lehr C, Windbergs M (2016)
Journal of Controlled Release 242: 89-104DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2016.09.002
Calcium Phosphate System for Gene Delivery: Historical Background and Emerging Opportunities
Mostaghaci B, Loretz B, Lehr C (2016)
Current Pharmaceutical Design 22 (11): 1529-33
Preparation of nanosized coacervates of positive and negative starch derivatives intended for pulmonary delivery of proteins
Barthold S, Kletting S, Taffner J, De Souza Carvalho-Wodarz C, Lepeltier E, Loretz B, Lehr C (2016)
Journal of Materials Chemistry B 4 (13): 2377-2386DOI: 10.1039/c6tb00178e
Different macro- and micro-rheological properties of native porcine respiratory and intestinal mucus
Bokkasam H, Ernst M, Guenther M, Wagner C, Schaefer U, Lehr C (2016)
International journal of pharmaceutics 510 (1): 164-167DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2016.06.035
Human alveolar epithelial cells expressing tight junctions to model the air-blood barrier
Kuehn A, Kletting S, Souza Carvalho-Wodarz C, Repnik U, Griffiths G, Fischer U, Meese E, Huwer H, Wirth D, May T, Schneider-Daum N, Lehr C (2016)
ALTEX 33 (3): 251-60DOI: 10.14573/altex.1511131
Influence of agglomeration and specific lung lining lipid/protein interaction on short-term inhalation toxicity
Wohlleben W, Driessen M, Raesch S, Schaefer U, Schulze C, Vacano B, Vennemann A, Wiemann M, Ruge C, Platsch H, …, Lehr C, Haase A (2016)
Nanotoxicology 10 (7): 970-980DOI: 10.3109/17435390.2016.1155671
Nanocarriers for optimizing the balance between interfollicular permeation and follicular uptake of topically applied clobetasol to minimize adverse effects
Mathes C, Melero A, Conrad P, Vogt T, Rigo L, Selzer D, Prado W, De Rossi C, Garrigues T, Hansen S, …, Lehr C, Schaefer U (2016)
Journal of Controlled Release 223: 207-214DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2015.12.010
Self-Assembly and Shape Control of Hybrid Nanocarriers Based on Calcium Carbonate and Carbon Nanodots
Lauth V, Loretz B, Lehr C, Maas M, Rezwan K (2016)
Chemistry of Materials 28 (11): 3796-3803DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.6b00769
Design of Polyamine-Grafted Starches for Nucleotide Analogue Delivery: In Vitro Evaluation of the Anticancer Activity
Kanber E, Yamada H, Loretz B, Lepeltier E, Lehr C (2016)
Bioconjugate chemistryDOI: 10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.6b00396
Antigen delivery via hydrophilic PEG-b-PAGE-b-PLGA nanoparticles boosts vaccination induced T cell immunity
Rietscher R, Schröder M, Janke J, Czaplewska J, Gottschaldt M, Scherließ R, Hanefeld A, Schubert U, Schneider M, Knolle P, Lehr C (2016)
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 102: 20-31DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2016.02.014
Tight junctions form a barrier in porcine hair follicles
Mathes C, Brandner J, Laue M, Raesch S, Hansen S, Failla A, Vidal S, Moll I, Schaefer U, Lehr C (2016)
European Journal of Cell Biology 95 (2): 89-99DOI: 10.1016/j.ejcb.2015.12.001
The effect of polymer size and charge of molecules on permeation through synovial membrane and accumulation in hyaline articular cartilage
Sterner B, Harms M, Wöll S, Weigandt M, Windbergs M, Lehr C (2016)
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 101: 126-136DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2016.02.004
Sustained-release liquisolid compact tablets containing artemether-lumefantrine as alternate-day regimen for malaria treatment to improve patient compliance
Nnamani P, Ugwu A, Ibezim E, Kenechukwu F, Akpa P, Ogbonna J, Obitte N, Odo A, Windbergs M, Lehr C, Attama A (2016)
International Journal of Nanomedicine 11: 6365-6378DOI: 10.2147/IJN.S92755
Autologous co-culture of primary human alveolar macrophages and epithelial cells for investigating aerosol medicines. Part I: Model Characterisation
Hittinger M, Janke J, Huwer H, Scherließ R, Schneider-Daum N, Lehr C (2016)
ATLA Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 44 (4): 337-347
Nanoparticle-Based Mucosal Vaccines Targeting Tumor-Associated Antigens to Human Dendritic Cells
Brito Baleeiro R, Schweinlin M, Rietscher R, Diedrich A, Czaplewska J, Metzger M, Michael Lehr C, Scherließ R, Hanefeld A, Gottschaldt M, Walden P (2016)
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Budesonide Loaded PLGA Nanoparticles for Targeting the Inflamed Intestinal Mucosa--Pharmaceutical Characterization and Fluorescence Imaging
Ali H, Weigmann B, Collnot E, Khan S, Windbergs M, Lehr C (2016)
Pharmaceutical research 33 (5): 1085-92DOI: 10.1007/s11095-015-1852-6
Impact of PEG and PEG-b-PAGE modified PLGA on nanoparticle formation, protein loading and release
Rietscher R, Czaplewska J, Majdanski T, Gottschaldt M, Schubert U, Schneider M, Lehr C (2016)
International journal of pharmaceutics 500 (1-2): 187-195DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2016.01.021
Dual flow bioreactor with ultrathin microporous TEER sensing membrane for evaluation of nanoparticle toxicity
Sbrana T, Ucciferri N, Favrè M, Ahmed S, Collnot E, Lehr C, Ahluwalia A, Liley M (2016)
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical 223: 440-446DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2015.09.078
Size-Limited Penetration of Nanoparticles into Porcine Respiratory Mucus after Aerosol Deposition
Murgia X, Pawelzyk P, Schaefer U, Wagner C, Willenbacher N, Lehr C (2016)
Biomacromolecules 17 (4): 1536-1542DOI: 10.1021/acs.biomac.6b00164
Autologous co-culture of primary human alveolar macrophages and epithelial cells for investigating aerosol medicines. Part II: evaluation of IL-10-loaded microparticles for the treatment of lung inflammation
Hittinger M, Mell N, Huwer H, Loretz B, Schneider-Daum N, Lehr C (2016)
Alternatives to laboratory animals : ATLA 44 (4): 349-360
Invasin-functionalized liposome nanocarriers improve the intracellular delivery of anti-infective drugs
Menina S, Labouta H, Geyer R, Krause T, Gordon S, Dersch P, Lehr C (2016)
RSC Advances 6 (47): 41622-41629DOI: 10.1039/c6ra02988d
A 3D co-culture of three human cell lines to model the inflamed intestinal mucosa for safety testing of nanomaterials
Susewind J, Souza Carvalho-Wodarz C, Repnik U, Collnot E, Schneider-Daum N, Griffiths G, Lehr C (2016)
Nanotoxicology 10 (1): 53-62DOI: 10.3109/17435390.2015.1008065
IL-17A-mediated expression of epithelial IL-17C promotes inflammation during acute Pseudomonas aeruginosa pneumonia
Wolf L, Sapich S, Honecker A, Jungnickel C, Seiler F, Bischoff M, Wonnenberg B, Herr C, Schneider-Daum N, Lehr C, Bals R, Beisswenger C (2016)
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miRNA92a targets KLF2 and the phosphatase PTEN signaling to promote human T follicular helper precursors in T1D islet autoimmunity
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A new cell line-based coculture model of the human air-blood barrier to evaluate the interaction with aerosolized drug carriers
Kletting S (2016)
Mathematical characterization of skin absorption
Selzer D (2016)
Drug delivery to the hair follicle
Mathes C (2016)
Label-free analysis of drug delivery systems and cellular interaction studies using confocal Raman microscopy
Kann B (2016)
The nanoparticle corona in the deep lung
Räsch S (2016)
Tunable nanoparticles for the local delivery of protein drugs for improved vaccination
Rietscher R (2016)
Immortalization of human alveolar epithelial cells
Kühn A (2016)
Confocal Raman microscopy in skin drug delivery research
Franzen L (2016)
Overview of Inhaled Nanopharmaceuticals
Barthold S, Kunschke N, Murgia X, Loretz B, Carvalho Wodarz C, Lehr C (2015)
Applications of Raman spectroscopy in skin research--From skin physiology and diagnosis up to risk assessment and dermal drug delivery
Franzen L, Windbergs M (2015)
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 89: 91-104DOI: 10.1016/j.addr.2015.04.002
Quantitative detection of caffeine in human skin by confocal Raman spectroscopy--A systematic in vitro validation study
Franzen L, Anderski J, Windbergs M (2015)
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 95 (Pt A): 110-6DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2015.03.026
Novel in vitro approaches for the simulation and analysis of human skin wounds
Planz V, Franzen L, Windbergs M (2015)
Skin Pharmacology and Physiology 28 (2): 91-6DOI: 10.1159/000364810
Raman microscopy for cellular investigations--From single cell imaging to drug carrier uptake visualization
Kann B, Offerhaus H, Windbergs M, Otto C (2015)
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 89: 71-90DOI: 10.1016/j.addr.2015.02.006
Utility of models of the gastrointestinal tract for assessment of the digestion and absorption of engineered nanomaterials released from food matrices
Lefebvre D, Venema K, Gombau L, Valerio L, Raju J, Bondy G, Bouwmeester H, Singh R, Clippinger A, Collnot E, Mehta R, Stone V (2015)
Nanotoxicology 9 (4): 523-42DOI: 10.3109/17435390.2014.948091
Skin penetration behavior of lipid-core nanocapsules for simultaneous delivery of resveratrol and curcumin
Friedrich R, Kann B, Coradini K, Offerhaus H, Beck R, Windbergs M (2015)
European journal of pharmaceutical sciences : official journal of the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences 78: 204-13DOI: 10.1016/j.ejps.2015.07.018
Preface: Pharmaceutical applications of Raman spectroscopy--From diagnosis to therapeutics
Popp J, Windbergs M (2015)
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 89: 1-2DOI: 10.1016/j.addr.2015.07.008
pH-triggered drug release from biodegradable microwells for oral drug delivery
Nielsen L, Nagstrup J, Gordon S, Keller S, Østergaard J, Rades T, Müllertz A, Boisen A (2015)
Biomedical microdevices 17 (3)DOI: 10.1007/s10544-015-9958-5
Not just for tumor targeting: Unmet medical needs and opportunities for nanomedicine
Lepeltier E, Nuhn L, Lehr C, Zentel R (2015)
Nanomedicine 10 (20): 3147-3166DOI: 10.2217/nnm.15.132
Preclinical safety and efficacy models for pulmonary drug delivery of antimicrobials with focus on in vitro models
Hittinger M, Juntke J, Kletting S, Schneider-Daum N, de Souza Carvalho C, Lehr C (2015)
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 85: 44-56DOI: 10.1016/j.addr.2014.10.011
Efficient nanoparticle-mediated needle-free transcutaneous vaccination via hair follicles requires adjuvantation
Mittal A, Schulze K, Ebensen T, Weißmann S, Hansen S, Lehr C, Guzmán C (2015)
Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 11 (1): 147-154DOI: 10.1016/j.nano.2014.08.009
Spatial separation of the processing and MHC class I loading compartments for cross-presentation of the tumor-associated antigen HER2/neu by human dendritic cells
Baleeiro R, Rietscher R, Diedrich A, Czaplewska J, Lehr C, Scherließ R, Hanefeld A, Gottschaldt M, Walden P (2015)
Oncoimmunology 4 (11)DOI: 10.1080/2162402X.2015.1047585
P-glycoprotein interactions of novel psychoactive substances - stimulation of ATP consumption and transport across Caco-2 monolayers
Meyer M, Wagmann L, Schneider-Daum N, Loretz B, Souza Carvalho C, Lehr C, Maurer H (2015)
Biochemical pharmacology 94 (3): 220-6DOI: 10.1016/j.bcp.2015.01.008
Expression and function of the epithelial sodium channel δ-subunit in human respiratory epithelial cells in vitro
Schwagerus E, Sladek S, Buckley S, Armas-Capote N, La Rosa D, Harvey B, Fischer H, Illek B, Huwer H, Schneider-Daum N, Lehr C, Ehrhardt C (2015)
Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology 467 (11): 2257-2273DOI: 10.1007/s00424-015-1693-5
Enhanced uptake and siRNA-mediated knockdown of a biologically relevant gene using cyclodextrin polyrotaxane
Dandekar P, Jain R, Keil M, Loretz B, Koch M, Wenz G, Lehr C (2015)
Journal of Materials Chemistry B 3 (13): 2590-2598DOI: 10.1039/c4tb01821d
A design of experiment study of nanoprecipitation and nano spray drying as processes to prepare plga nano-and microparticles with defined sizes and size distributions
Draheim C, De Crécy F, Hansen S, Collnot E, Lehr C (2015)
Pharmaceutical research 32 (8): 2609-2624DOI: 10.1007/s11095-015-1647-9
In vitro–in vivo correlation
Barakat A, Krämer J, Souza Carvalho C, Lehr C (2015)
Dissolution Technologies 22 (2): 19-22DOI: 10.14227/DT220215P19
Transfection system of amino-functionalized calcium phosphate nanoparticles: in vitro efficacy, biodegradability, and immunogenicity study
Mostaghaci B, Susewind J, Kickelbick G, Lehr C, Loretz B (2015)
ACS applied materials & interfaces 7 (9): 5124-33DOI: 10.1021/am507193a
Macrophage uptake of cylindrical microparticles investigated with correlative microscopy
Tscheka C, Hittinger M, Lehr C, Schneider-Daum N, Schneider M (2015)
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 95: 151-155DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2015.03.010
Bacteriomimetic invasin-functionalized nanocarriers for intracellular delivery
Labouta H, Menina S, Kochut A, Gordon S, Geyer R, Dersch P, Lehr C (2015)
Journal of Controlled Release 220: 414-424DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2015.10.052
Mono- and Cocultures of Bronchial and Alveolar Epithelial Cells Respond Differently to Proinflammatory Stimuli and Their Modulation by Salbutamol and Budesonide
Haghi M, Hittinger M, Zeng Q, Oliver B, Traini D, Young P, Huwer H, Schneider-Daum N, Lehr C (2015)
Molecular pharmaceutics 12 (8): 2625-32DOI: 10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.5b00124
Proteomic and Lipidomic Analysis of Nanoparticle Corona upon Contact with Lung Surfactant Reveals Differences in Protein, but Not Lipid Composition
Raesch S, Tenzer S, Storck W, Rurainski A, Selzer D, Ruge C, Perez-Gil J, Schaefer U, Lehr C (2015)
ACS Nano 9 (12): 11872-11885DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b04215
Inhalable Clarithromycin Microparticles for Treatment of Respiratory Infections
Dimer F, De Souza Carvalho-Wodarz C, Haupenthal J, Hartmann R, Lehr C (2015)
Pharmaceutical research 32 (12): 3850-3861DOI: 10.1007/s11095-015-1745-8
Cyclodextrin-based star polymers as a versatile platform for nanochemotherapeutics: Enhanced entrapment and uptake of idarubicin
Nafee N, Hirosue M, Loretz B, Wenz G, Lehr C (2015)
Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces 129: 30-8DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2015.03.014
Semi-automated nanoprecipitation-system - An option for operator independent, scalable and size adjustable nanoparticle synthesis
Rietscher R, Thum C, Lehr C, Schneider M (2015)
Pharmaceutical research 32 (6): 1859-1863DOI: 10.1007/s11095-014-1612-z
Non-animal models of epithelial barriers (skin, intestine and lung) in research, industrial applications and regulatory toxicology
Gordon S, Daneshian M, Bouwstra J, Caloni F, Constant S, Davies D, Dandekar G, Guzman C, Fabian E, Haltner E, …, Walles H, Lehr C (2015)
ALTEX 32 (4): 327-378DOI: 10.14573/altex.1510051
A strategy for in-silico prediction of skin absorption in man
Selzer D, Neumann D, Neumann H, Kostka K, Lehr C, Schaefer U (2015)
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 95: 68-76DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2015.05.002
Dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate copolymer-siRNA nanoparticles for silencing a therapeutically relevant gene in macrophages
Jain R, Dandekar P, Loretz B, Koch M, Lehr C (2015)
MedChemComm 6 (4): 691-701DOI: 10.1039/c4md00490f
Focused Ultrasound as a Scalable and Contact-Free Method to Manufacture Protein-Loaded PLGA Nanoparticles
Schiller S, Hanefeld A, Schneider M, Lehr C (2015)
Pharmaceutical research 32 (9): 2995-3006DOI: 10.1007/s11095-015-1681-7
Solid Phase Extraction as an Innovative Separation Method for Measuring Free and Entrapped Drug in Lipid Nanoparticles
Guillot A, Couffin A, Sejean X, Navarro F, Limberger M, Lehr C (2015)
Pharmaceutical research 32 (12): 3999-4009DOI: 10.1007/s11095-015-1761-8
Miniature in vitro dissolution testing of powders for inhalation
May S, Kind S, Jensen B, Wolkenhauer M, Schneider M, Lehr C (2015)
Dissolution Technologies 22 (3): 40-51DOI: 10.14227/DT220315P40
Squalenoylation of Chitosan: A Platform for Drug Delivery?
Lepeltier E, Loretz B, Desmaele D, Zapp J, Herrmann J, Couvreur P, Lehr C (2015)
Biomacromolecules 16 (9): 2930-9DOI: 10.1021/acs.biomac.5b00840
Inverse micellar sugar glass (IMSG) nanoparticles for transfollicular vaccination
Mittal A, Schulze K, Ebensen T, Weissmann S, Hansen S, Guzmán C, Lehr C (2015)
Journal of Controlled Release 206: 140-152DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2015.03.017
The buccal mucosa as a route for TiO2 nanoparticle uptake
Teubl B, Leitinger G, Schneider M, Lehr C, Fröhlich E, Zimmer A, Roblegg E (2015)
Nanotoxicology 9 (2): 253-261DOI: 10.3109/17435390.2014.921343
In vivo genome editing using nuclease-encoding mRNA corrects SP-B deficiency
Mahiny A, Dewerth A, Mays L, Alkhaled M, Mothes B, Malaeksefat E, Loretz B, Rottenberger J, Brosch D, Reautschnig P, …, Lehr C, Kormann M (2015)
Nature biotechnology 33 (6): 584-6DOI: 10.1038/nbt.3241
Organic cation transporter function in different in vitro models of human lung epithelium
Salomon J, Gausterer J, Yahara T, Hosoya K, Huwer H, Hittinger M, Schneider-Daum N, Lehr C, Ehrhardt C (2015)
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 80: 82-88DOI: 10.1016/j.ejps.2015.08.007
Advanced formulations of cyclosporine A and budesonide for the therapy of inflammatory bowel disease
Draheim C (2015)
Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Amino-modified Calcium Phosphate Nanoparticles Used for Gene Delivery Applications
Mostaghaci B (2015)
Development and characterization of nanoparticular systems for an innovating therapeutic concept for targeting Inflammatory Bowel Diseases using the Quality-by-Design approach
Guillot A (2015)
Overcoming the pulmonary barrier: New insights to improve the efficiency of inhaled therapeutics
Murgia X, de Souza Carvalho C, Lehr C (2014)
European Journal of Nanomedicine 6 (3): 157-169DOI: 10.1515/ejnm-2014-0019
Carrier interactions with the biological barriers of the lung: Advanced in vitro models and challenges for pulmonary drug delivery
de Souza Carvalho C, Daum N, Lehr C (2014)
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 75: 129-140DOI: 10.1016/j.addr.2014.05.014
Transfollicular delivery takes root
Hansen S, Lehr C (2014)
Expert Review of Vaccines 13 (1): 5-7DOI: 10.1586/14760584.2014.862500
Development of artemether-loaded nanostructured lipid carrier (NLC) formulation for topical application
Nnamani P, Hansen S, Windbergs M, Lehr C (2014)
International journal of pharmaceutics 477 (1-2): 208-217DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2014.10.004
Budesonide loaded nanoparticles with pH-sensitive coating for improved mucosal targeting in mouse models of inflammatory bowel diseases
Ali H, Weigmann B, Neurath M, Collnot E, Windbergs M, Lehr C (2014)
Journal of Controlled Release 183 (1): 167-177DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2014.03.039
Dissolution testing of powders for inhalation
May S, Jensen B, Weiler C, Wolkenhauer M, Schneider M, Lehr C (2014)
Pharmaceutical research 31 (11): 3211-3224DOI: 10.1007/s11095-014-1413-4
Statistical comparison of dissolution profiles to predict the bioequivalence of extended release formulations
Gomez-Mantilla J, Schaefer U, Casabo V, Lehr T, Lehr C (2014)
AAPS Journal 16 (4): 791-801DOI: 10.1208/s12248-014-9615-6
Antibiotic-free nanotherapeutics: Ultra-small, mucus-penetrating solid lipid nanoparticles enhance the pulmonary delivery and anti-virulence efficacy of novel quorum sensing inhibitors
Nafee N, Husari A, Maurer C, Lu C, De Rossi C, Steinbach A, Hartmann R, Lehr C, Schneider M (2014)
Journal of Controlled Release 192: 131-140DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2014.06.055
The cell line NCl-H441 is a useful in vitro model for transport studies of human distal lung epithelial barrier
Salomon J, Muchitsch V, Gausterer J, Schwagerus E, Huwer H, Daum N, Lehr C, Ehrhardt C (2014)
Molecular pharmaceutics 11 (3): 995-1006DOI: 10.1021/mp4006535
In vitro toxicological screening of nanoparticles on primary human endothelial cells and the role of flow in modulating cell response
Ucciferri N, Collnot E, Gaiser B, Tirella A, Stone V, Domenici C, Lehr C, Ahluwalia A (2014)
Nanotoxicology 8 (6): 697-708DOI: 10.3109/17435390.2013.831500
Characterization and evaluation of a modified PVPA barrier in comparison to Caco-2 cell monolayers for combined dissolution and permeation testing
Gantzsch S, Kann B, Ofer-Glaessgen M, Loos P, Berchtold H, Balbach S, Eichinger T, Lehr C, Schaefer U, Windbergs M (2014)
Journal of Controlled Release 175 (1): 79-86DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2013.12.009
Quantification of nanoparticle uptake into hair follicles in pig ear and human forearm
Raber A, Mittal A, Schäfer J, Bakowsky U, Reichrath J, Vogt T, Schaefer U, Hansen S, Lehr C (2014)
Journal of Controlled Release 179 (1): 25-32DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2014.01.018
Non-invasive determination of cellular oxygen consumption as novel cytotoxicity assay for nanomaterials
Neumeyer A, Bukowski M, Veith M, Lehr C, Daum N (2014)
Nanotoxicology 8 (1): 50-60DOI: 10.3109/17435390.2012.747639
Nanoencapsulation in lipid-core nanocapsules controls mometasone furoate skin permeability rate and its penetration to the deeper skin layers
Melero A, Ferreira Ourique A, Stanisçuaski Guterres S, Raffin Pohlmann A, Lehr C, Ruver Beck R, Schaefer U (2014)
Skin Pharmacology and Physiology 27 (4): 217-228DOI: 10.1159/000354921
Design of starch-graft-PEI polymers: an effective and biodegradable gene delivery platform
Yamada H, Loretz B, Lehr C (2014)
Biomacromolecules 15 (5): 1753-61DOI: 10.1021/bm500128k
Crystal suspensions of poorly soluble peptides for intra-articular application: A novel approach for biorelevant assessment of their in vitro release
Sterner B, Harms M, Weigandt M, Windbergs M, Lehr C (2014)
International journal of pharmaceutics 461 (1-2): 46-53DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2013.11.031
Polyester-idarubicin nanoparticles and a polymer-photosensitizer complex as potential drug formulations for cell-mediated drug delivery
Blaudszun A, Lian Q, Schnabel M, Loretz B, Steinfeld U, Lee H, Wenz G, Lehr C, Schneider M, Philippi A (2014)
International journal of pharmaceutics 474 (1-2): 70-9DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2014.07.048
Exploring the follicular route for transcutaneous vaccination using nanoparticles
Mittal A (2014)
Statistical approaches to perform dissolution profile comparisons
Gómez Mantilla J (2014)
Starch based cationic polymers for gene delivery
Yamada H (2014)
Endothelial and epithelial differentiation potential of human adult stem cells PSC and MSC and the relation of ZO-1 isoform ratio to epithelial differentiation in Caco-2
Meier K (2014)
Nanomedicines for the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases
Ali H, Collnot E, Windbergs M, Lehr C (2013)
European Journal of Nanomedicine 5 (1)DOI: 10.1515/ejnm-2013-0004
From the structure of the skin barrier and dermal formulations to in vitro transport models for skin absorption
Windbergs M, Hansen S, Schroeter A, Schaefer U, Lehr C, Bouwstra J (2013)
Skin Pharmacology and Physiology 26 (4-6): 317-330DOI: 10.1159/000351936
Particle based vaccine formulations for transcutaneous immunization
Mittal A, Raber A, Lehr C, Hansen S (2013)
Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics 9 (9): 1950-1955DOI: 10.4161/hv.25217
Crossing biological barriers for advanced drug delivery
Schneider M, Windbergs M, Daum N, Loretz B, Collnot E, Hansen S, Schaefer U, Lehr C (2013)
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 84 (2): 239-241DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2013.03.009
Mucus as a barrier to lipophilic drugs
Sigurdsson H, Kirch J, Lehr C (2013)
International journal of pharmaceutics 453 (1): 56-64DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2013.05.040
Pulmonary drug delivery: From generating aerosols to overcoming biological barriers-therapeutic possibilities and technological challenges
Ruge C, Kirch J, Lehr C (2013)
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 1 (5): 402-413DOI: 10.1016/S2213-2600(13)70072-9
Modeling the human skin barrier-Towards a better understanding of dermal absorption
Hansen S, Lehr C, Schaefer U (2013)
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 65 (2): 149-151DOI: 10.1016/j.addr.2012.12.002
Improved input parameters for diffusion models of skin absorption
Hansen S, Lehr C, Schaefer U (2013)
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 65 (2): 251-264DOI: 10.1016/j.addr.2012.04.011
One-step synthesis of nanosized and stable amino-functionalized calcium phosphate particles for DNA transfection
Mostaghaci B, Loretz B, Haberkorn R, Kickelbick G, Lehr C (2013)
Chemistry of Materials 25 (18): 3667-3674DOI: 10.1021/cm401886u
Nanoparticle geometry and surface orientation influence mode of cellular uptake
Herd H, Daum N, Jones A, Huwer H, Ghandehari H, Lehr C (2013)
ACS Nano 7 (3): 1961-1973DOI: 10.1021/nn304439f
Pulmonary surfactant is indispensable in order to simulate the in vivo situation
Schleh C, Kreyling W, Lehr C (2013)
Particle and Fibre Toxicology 10 (1)DOI: 10.1186/1743-8977-10-6
Finite dose skin mass balance including the lateral part: Comparison between experiment, pharmacokinetic modeling and diffusion models
Selzer D, Hahn T, Naegel A, Heisig M, Kostka K, Lehr C, Neumann D, Schaefer U, Wittum G (2013)
Journal of Controlled Release 165 (2): 119-128DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2012.10.009
Nano- and microscaled particles for drug targeting to inflamed intestinal mucosa - A first in vivo study in human patients
Schmidt C, Lautenschlaeger C, Collnot E, Schumann M, Bojarski C, Schulzke J, Lehr C, Stallmach A (2013)
Journal of Controlled Release 165 (2): 139-145DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2012.10.019
Non-invasive delivery of nanoparticles to hair follicles: A perspective for transcutaneous immunization
Mittal A, Raber A, Schaefer U, Weissmann S, Ebensen T, Schulze K, Guzmán C, Lehr C, Hansen S (2013)
Vaccine 31 (34): 3442-3451DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2012.12.048
PEG-functionalized microparticles selectively target inflamed mucosa in inflammatory bowel disease
Lautenschläger C, Schmidt C, Lehr C, Fischer D, Stallmach A (2013)
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 85 (3 PART A): 578-586DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2013.09.016
In situ drug release monitoring with a fiber-optic system: Overcoming matrix interferences using derivative spectrophotometry
Guillot A, Limberge M, Krämer J, Lehr C (2013)
Dissolution Technologies 20 (2): 15-19
Biopharmaceutical in vitro characterization of CPZEN-45, a drug candidate for inhalation therapy of tuberculosis
Salomon J, Galeron P, Schulte N, Morow P, Severynse-Stevens D, Huwer H, Daum N, Lehr C, Hickey A, Ehrhardt C (2013)
Therapeutic delivery 4 (8): 915-923DOI: 10.4155/tde.13.62
Permutation Test (PT) and Tolerated Difference Test (TDT)
Gómez-Mantilla J, Casabó V, Schaefer U, Lehr C (2013)
International journal of pharmaceutics 441 (1-2): 458-467DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2012.11.008
Implementation of a lipid-coated membrane in a combined dissolution and permeation system and comparison to Caco-2 cell monolayers
Gantzsch S (2013)
Dissolution testing of powders for inhalation
May S (2013)
Budesonide Loaded pH-sensitive PLGA Nanoparticles for the Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Ali H (2013)
Novel cell based in vitro models to study nanoparticle interaction with the inflamed intestinal mucosa
Leonard F (2013)
Isolation, cultivation, and application of human alveolar epithelial cells
Daum N, Kuehn A, Hein S, Schaefer U, Huwer H, Lehr C (2012)
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 806: 31-42DOI: 10.1007/978-1-61779-367-7_3
Optical tweezers reveal relationship between microstructure and nanoparticle penetration of pulmonary mucus
Kirch J, Schneider A, Abou B, Hopf A, Schaefer U, Schneider M, Schall C, Wagner C, Lehr C (2012)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109 (45): 18355-18360DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1214066109
Nano- and microparticulate drug carriers for targeting of the inflamed intestinal mucosa
Collnot E, Ali H, Lehr C (2012)
Journal of Controlled Release 161 (2): 235-246DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2012.01.028
Nanoparticles for transcutaneous vaccination
Hansen S, Lehr C (2012)
Microbial Biotechnology 5 (2): 156-167DOI: 10.1111/j.1751-7915.2011.00284.x
Dissolution techniques for in vitro testing of dry powders for inhalation
May S, Jensen B, Wolkenhauer M, Schneider M, Lehr C (2012)
Pharmaceutical research 29 (8): 2157-2166DOI: 10.1007/s11095-012-0744-2
Characterization and evaluation of β-glucan formulations as injectable implants for protein and peptide delivery
Jacobs S, Bunt C, Wu Z, Lehr C, Rupenthal I (2012)
Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy 38 (11): 1337-1343DOI: 10.3109/03639045.2011.650646
Atomic force microscopy and analytical ultracentrifugation for probing nanomaterial protein interactions
Schaefer J, Schulze C, Marxer E, Schaefer U, Wohlleben W, Bakowsky U, Lehr C (2012)
ACS Nano 6 (6): 4603-4614DOI: 10.1021/nn202657q
Treatment of lung cancer via telomerase inhibition
Nafee N, Schneider M, Friebel K, Dong M, Schaefer U, Mürdter T, Lehr C (2012)
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 80 (3): 478-489DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2011.11.019
Cellular delivery of polynucleotides by cationic cyclodextrin polyrotaxanes
Dandekar P, Jain R, Keil M, Loretz B, Muijs L, Schneider M, Auerbach D, Jung G, Lehr C, Wenz G (2012)
Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society 164 (3): 387-93DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2012.06.040
A hydrophobic starch polymer for nanoparticle-mediated delivery of docetaxel
Dandekar P, Jain R, Stauner T, Loretz B, Koch M, Wenz G, Lehr C (2012)
Macromolecular Bioscience 12 (2): 184-94DOI: 10.1002/mabi.201100244
Process optimization and biocompatibility of cell carriers suitable for automated magnetic manipulation
Krejci I, Piana C, Howitz S, Wegener T, Fiedler S, Zwanzig M, Schmitt D, Daum N, Meier K, Lehr C, …, Wirth M, Gabor F (2012)
Acta Biomaterialia 8 (3): 1239-1247DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2011.08.031
Influence of the application area on finite dose permeation in relation to drug type applied
Hahn T, Selzer D, Neumann D, Kostka K, Lehr C, Schaefer U (2012)
Experimental Dermatology 21 (3): 233-235DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0625.2011.01424.x
The interplay of lung surfactant proteins and lipids assimilates the macrophage clearance of nanoparticles
Ruge C, Schaefer U, Herrmann J, Kirch J, Cañadas O, Echaide M, Pérez-Gil J, Casals C, Müller R, Lehr C (2012)
PLoS ONE 7 (7)DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0040775
Soluplus® as an effective absorption enhancer of poorly soluble drugs in vitro and in vivo
Linn M, Collnot E, Djuric D, Hempel K, Fabian E, Kolter K, Lehr C (2012)
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 45 (3): 336-343DOI: 10.1016/j.ejps.2011.11.025
Screening of budesonide nanoformulations for treatment of inflammatory bowel disease in an inflamed 3D cell-culture model
Leonard F, Ali H, Collnot E, Crielaard B, Lammers T, Storm G, Lehr C (2012)
ALTEX 29 (3): 275-285
Pulmonary delivery and tissue distribution of aerosolized antisense 2'-O-Methyl RNA containing nanoplexes in the isolated perfused and ventilated rat lung
Dong M, Murdter T, Philippi C, Loretz B, Schaefer U, Lehr C, Schwab M, Ammon-Treiber S (2012)
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 81 (3): 478-85DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2012.04.022
Mucociliary clearance of micro- and nanoparticles is independent of size, shape and charge-an ex vivo and in silico approach
Kirch J, Guenther M, Doshi N, Schaefer U, Schneider M, Mitragotri S, Lehr C (2012)
Journal of Controlled Release 159 (1): 128-134DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2011.12.015
Evaluation of finite dose skin absorption experiments with respect to experimental setup and mathematical modelling
Hahn T (2012)
Bio-nano interactions in the peripheral lungs
Ruge C (2012)
The role of fluid dynamics, microstructure and mucociliary clearance in the micro- and macroscopic barrier properties of pulmonary mucus
Kirch J (2012)
In vitro characterization of the novel solubility enhancing excipient Soluplus®
Linn M (2012)
New hope for inflammatory bowel disease
Collnot E, Mell N, Lehr C (2011)
Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung 151 (27): 60-63
Using nanoparticles in the skin? More than just cosmetics!
Hansen S, Lehr C (2011)
Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung 151 (27): 64-67
Towards nanotechnology regulation - Publish the unpublishable
Hankin S, Boraschi D, Duschl A, Lehr C, Lichtenbeld H (2011)
Nano Today 6 (3): 228-231DOI: 10.1016/j.nantod.2011.03.002
Uptake of nanoparticles by alveolar macrophages is triggered by surfactant protein A
Ruge C, Kirch J, Cañadas O, Schneider M, Perez-Gil J, Schaefer U, Casals C, Lehr C (2011)
Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 7 (6): 690-693DOI: 10.1016/j.nano.2011.07.009
A new Pharmaceutical Aerosol Deposition Device on Cell Cultures (PADDOCC) to evaluate pulmonary drug absorption for metered dose dry powder formulations
Hein S, Bur M, Schaefer U, Lehr C (2011)
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 77 (1): 132-138DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2010.10.003
Propidium iodide labeling of nanoparticles as a novel tool for the quantification of cellular binding and uptake
Neumeyer A, Bukowski M, Veith M, Lehr C, Daum N (2011)
Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 7 (4): 410-419DOI: 10.1016/j.nano.2010.12.007
Interaction of metal oxide nanoparticles with lung surfactant protein A
Schulze C, Schaefer U, Ruge C, Wohlleben W, Lehr C (2011)
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 77 (3): 376-383DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2010.10.013
Tissue slice model of human lung cancer to investigate telomerase inhibition by nanoparticle delivery of antisense 2'-O-methyl-RNA
Dong M, Philippi C, Loretz B, Nafee N, Schaefer U, Friedel G, Ammon-Treiber S, Griese E, Lehr C, Klotz U, Murdter T (2011)
International journal of pharmaceutics 419 (1-2): 33-42DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2011.07.009
Improved photostability and reduced skin permeation of tretinoin
Ourique A, Melero A, Silva C, Schaefer U, Pohlmann A, Guterres S, Lehr C, Kostka K, Beck R (2011)
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 79 (1): 95-101DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2011.03.008
Transport of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles Across Calu-3 Cell Monolayers Modelling the Air-Blood Barrier
Schulze C, Schaefer U, Voetz M, Wohlleben W, Venzago C, Lehr C (2011)
EURO-NanoTox-Letters 3 (1): 1-10DOI: 10.1515/entl-2015-0003
Template-assisted polyelectrolyte encapsulation of nanoparticles into dispersible, hierarchically nanostructured microfibers
Kohler D, Schneider M, Krüger M, Lehr C, Möhwald H, Wang D (2011)
Advanced Materials 23 (11): 1376-1379DOI: 10.1002/adma.201004048
Computational fluid dynamics of nanoparticle disposition in the airways
Kirch J, Guenther M, Schaefer U, Schneider M, Lehr C (2011)
Computing and Visualization in Science 14 (7): 301-308DOI: 10.1007/s00791-012-0184-x
An in vitro triple cell co-culture model with primary cells mimicking the human alveolar epithelial barrier
Lehmann A, Daum N, Bur M, Lehr C, Gehr P, Rothen-Rutishauser B (2011)
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 77 (3): 398-406DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2010.10.014
Enhanced cellular delivery of idarubicin by surface modification of propyl starch nanoparticles employing pteroic acid conjugated polyvinyl alcohol
Jain R, Dandekar P, Loretz B, Melero A, Stauner T, Wenz G, Koch M, Lehr C (2011)
International journal of pharmaceutics 420 (1): 147-55DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2011.08.030
Finite dose skin penetration
Naegel A, Hahn T, Schaefer U, Lehr C, Heisig M, Wittum G (2011)
Computing and Visualization in Science 14 (7): 327-339DOI: 10.1007/s00791-012-0186-8
Selective follicular targeting by modification of the particle sizes
Patzelt A, Richter H, Knorr F, Schäfer U, Lehr C, Dähne L, Sterry W, Lademann J (2011)
Journal of Controlled Release 150 (1): 45-48DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2010.11.015
Asymmetric particles for pulmonary drug delivery
Kohler D (2011)
Multilayer coating of gold nanoparticles (AuNP) with drug-polymer complex
Reum N (2011)
New models for telomerase inhibition by antisense 2'-O-methyl-RNA in lung cancer therapy
Dong M (2011)
Pulmonary drug delivery
Henning A, Hein S, Schneider M, Bur M, Lehr C (2010)
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Ointment bases and the rate of water loss of the skin
Hahn T, Winkler K, Lehr C, Schäfer U (2010)
Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung 150 (34): 59-62
Telomerase as an emerging target to fight cancer - Opportunities and challenges for nanomedicine
Philippi C, Loretz B, Schaefer U, Lehr C (2010)
Journal of Controlled Release 146 (2): 228-240DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2010.03.025
Preparation of elongated polyelectrolyte particles from particles
Kohler D, Schneider M, Lehr C, Krüger M, Möhwald H, Wang D (2010)
European Cells and Materials 20 (SUPPL.3)
Plant genetic factors for iron homeostasis affect iron bioavailability in Caco-2 cells
Maurer F, Daum N, Schaefer U, Lehr C, Bauer P (2010)
Food Research International 43 (6): 1661-1665DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2010.05.008
Influence of particle size and material properties on mucociliary clearance from the airways
Henning A, Schneider M, Nafee N, Muijs L, Rytting E, Wang X, Kissel T, Grafahrend D, Klee D, Lehr C (2010)
Journal of aerosol medicine and pulmonary drug delivery 23 (4): 233-241DOI: 10.1089/jamp.2009.0806
Nanoparticle mediated delivery of 2′-O-methyl-RNA leads to efficient telomerase inhibition and telomere shortening in human lung cancer cells
Beisner J, Dong M, Taetz S, Nafee N, Griese E, Schaefer U, Lehr C, Klotz U, Mürdter T (2010)
Lung Cancer 68 (3): 346-354DOI: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2009.07.010
The Pharmaceutical Aerosol Deposition Device on Cell Cultures (PADDOCC) in vitro system
Hein S, Bur M, Kolb T, Muellinger B, Schaefer U, Lehr C (2010)
ATLA Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 38 (4): 285-295
A dynamic ratio of the α+ and α- isoforms of the tight junction protein ZO-1 is characteristic of Caco-2 cells and correlates with their degree of differentiation
Ciana A, Meier K, Daum N, Gerbes S, Veith M, Lehr C, Minetti G (2010)
Cell Biology International 34 (6): 669-678DOI: 10.1042/CBI20090067
A three-dimensional coculture of enterocytes, monocytes and dendritic cells to model inflamed intestinal mucosa in vitro
Leonard F, Collnot E, Lehr C (2010)
Molecular pharmaceutics 7 (6): 2103-2119DOI: 10.1021/mp1000795
Differential cell reaction upon Toll-like receptor 4 and 9 activation in human alveolar and lung interstitial macrophages
Hoppstädter J, Diesel B, Zarbock R, Breinig T, Monz D, Koch M, Meyerhans A, Gortner L, Lehr C, Huwer H, Kiemer A (2010)
Respiratory Research 11DOI: 10.1186/1465-9921-11-124
In vitro and in vivo performance of biocompatible negatively-charged salbutamol-loaded nanoparticles
Rytting E, Bur M, Cartier R, Bouyssou T, Wang X, Krüger M, Lehr C, Kissel T (2010)
Journal of Controlled Release 141 (1): 101-107DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2009.08.021
Nanoparticles made from novel starch derivatives for transdermal drug delivery
Santander-Ortega M, Stauner T, Loretz B, Ortega-Vinuesa J, Bastos-Gonzalez D, Wenz G, Schaefer U, Lehr C (2010)
Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society 141 (1): 85-92DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2009.08.012
Multilayer coating of gold nanoparticles with drug-polymer coadsorbates
Reum N, Fink-Straube C, Klein T, Hartmann R, Lehr C, Schneider M (2010)
Langmuir 26 (22): 16901-16908DOI: 10.1021/la103109b
Wistar rat skin as surrogate for human skin in nortriptyline hydrochloride patch studies
Melero A, Lehr C, Schäfer U, Garrigues T (2010)
International journal of pharmaceutics 384 (1-2): 137-139DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2009.09.028
Online monitoring of transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) in an apparatus for combined dissolution and permeation testing
Muendoerfer M, Schaefer U, Koenig P, Walk J, Loos P, Balbach S, Eichinger T, Lehr C (2010)
International journal of pharmaceutics 392 (1-2): 134-140DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2010.03.046
Vitamin e TPGS P-glycoprotein inhibition mechanism
Collnot E, Baldes C, Schaefer U, Edgar K, Wempe M, Lehr C (2010)
Molecular pharmaceutics 7 (3): 642-651DOI: 10.1021/mp900191s
Drug transport across pulmonary epithelial cell monolayers: effects of particle size, apical liquid volume, and deposition technique
Bur M, Huwer H, Muys L, Lehr C (2010)
Journal of aerosol medicine and pulmonary drug delivery 23 (3): 119-27DOI: 10.1089/jamp.2009.0757
Cellular responses after exposure of lung cell cultures to secondary organic aerosol particles
Gaschen A, Lang D, Kalberer M, Savi M, Geiser T, Gazdhar A, Lehr C, Bur M, Dommen J, Baltensperger U, Geiser M (2010)
Environmental Science and Technology 44 (4): 1424-1430DOI: 10.1021/es902261m
Infrared densitometry
Hahn T, Hansen S, Neumann D, Kostka K, Lehr C, Muys L, Schaefer U (2010)
Skin Pharmacology and Physiology 23 (4): 183-192DOI: 10.1159/000288165
Calorimetric and spectrophotometric investigation of PLGA nanoparticles and their complex with DNA
Khvedelidze M, Mdzinarashvili T, Partskhaladze T, Nafee N, Schaefer U, Lehr C, Schneider M (2010)
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 99 (1): 337-348DOI: 10.1007/s10973-009-0137-x
Combined assessment of drug dissolution and epithelial permeability
Mündörfer M (2010)
Pharmaceutical aerosol deposition device on cell cultures (PADDOCC)
Hein S (2010)
The potential of silica nanoparticles as oral drug carriers
Neumeyer A (2010)
Transport of metal oxide nanoparticles across the human air-blood barrier
Schulze C (2010)
Mechanism of inhibition of P-glycoprotein mediated efflux by vitamin E TPGS
Collnot E, Baldes C, Wempe M, Kappl R, Hüttermann J, Hyatt J, Edgar K, Schaefer U, Lehr C (2007)
Molecular pharmaceutics 4 (3): 465-474DOI: 10.1021/mp060121r
Preparation and characterization of cationic PLGA nanospheres as DNA carriers
Ravi Kumar M, Bakowsky U, Lehr C (2004)
Biomaterials 25 (10): 1771-1777DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2003.08.069
Size-dependent bioadhesion of micro- and nanoparticulate carriers to the inflamed colonic mucosa
Lamprecht A, Schäfer U, Lehr C (2001)
Pharmaceutical research 18 (6): 788-793DOI: 10.1023/A:1011032328064