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Dr. Mariia Nesterkina


Mariia Nesterkina studierte Pharmazeutische Chemie an der Odesa Mechnikov National University in der Ukraine und schloss 2014 mit Auszeichnung (Honor’s degree) ab. Sie promovierte 2017 am Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry in Kyiv, Ukraine, und beschäftigte sich mit der Synthese und pharmakologischen Untersuchung neuartiger Terpenoid-Derivate mit antikonvulsiver, analgetischer und entzündungshemmender Wirkung. Seit 2019 ist sie Associate Professorin an der Odesа Polytechnic National University (Ukraine).

Im Jahr 2022 schloss sie sich der Gruppe von Prof. Anna Hirsch und Prof. Claus-Michael Lehr als Postdoktorandin am Helmholtz-Institut für Pharmazeutische Forschung Saarland (HIPS), Abteilung für Wirkstoffdesign und Optimierung, sowie der Abteilung für Wirkstofftransport über Biologische Barrieren an. Ihre Forschungsinteressen konzentrieren sich auf Bioorganische/Medizinische Chemie sowie Arzneimittelabgabe.

Ihr eigenes Projekt mit dem Titel „Molekulare Mechanismen der transdermalen Penetration neuartiger Terpenoid-Prodrugs mit antiinfektiöser Aktivität“ erhielt finanzielle Unterstützung von der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung (Saarbrücken, Deutschland, 2023–2025). Sie arbeitet intensiv an innovativen Arzneimittelabgabesystemen für Hautanwendungen – thermotrope Flüssigkristalle. Das charakteristische Merkmal dieser Systeme ist ihre temperaturgesteuerte Schaltbarkeit der Wirkstofffreisetzung durch den Übergang in den Flüssigkristallzustand, abhängig von der Hauttemperatur.

Seit 2024 ist Nesterkina Habilitandin an der Universität des Saarlandes im Bereich Biopharmazie und Pharmazeutische Technologie.


Behavioral and electrophysiological responses of the male medfly, Ceratitis capitata, to thymol and carvacrol ethers

Tabanca N, Cloonan K, Nesterkina M, Gill M, Montgomery W, Kravchenko I, Kendra P (2024)

Pest management scienceDOI: 10.1002/ps.8324

Synthesis and Structure of a Coordination Polymer of Ni(II) with 2-(4-Bromophenoxy)acetohydrazide

Martsynko ?, Nesterkina M, Finik ?, Tsymbaliuk K, Dyakonenko V, Shishkina S, Kravchenko I (2024)

Molbank 2024 (2)DOI: 10.3390/M1819

Design and evaluation of nanostructured lipid carrier of Bergenin isolated from Pentaclethra macrophylla for anti-inflammatory effect on lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory responses in macrophages

Nnamani P, Nwagwu C, Diovu E, Abonyi O, Nesterkina M, Neu T, Richter C, Loretz B, Lehr C (2024)

Eur J Pharm Biopharm 200DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2024.114307

Thermotropic liquid crystals in drug delivery: A versatile carrier for controlled release

Nesterkina M, Kravchenko* I, Hirsch A, Lehr C (2024)

Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 200DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2024.114343


Thermoresponsive cholesteric liquid-crystal systems doped with terpenoids as drug delivery systems for skin applications

Nesterkina M, Vashchenko O, Vashchenko P, Lisetski L, Kravchenko I, Hirsch A, Lehr C (2023)

European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics : official journal of Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik e.VDOI: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2023.09.002

Genotoxic and mutational potential of monocyclic terpenoids (carvacrol, carvone and thymol) in Drosophila melanogaster

Nesterkina M, Bilokon S, Alieksieieva T, Kravchenko I, Hirsch A (2023)

Toxicol. Rep. 10DOI: 10.1016/j.toxrep.2023.02.009



Polish N, Nesterkina M, Karkhut A, Marintsova N, Zhurakhivska L, Volianiuk K, Pokynbroda T, Kravchenko I, Karpenko E (2022)

J microb biotech food sci 12 (3)DOI: 10.55251/jmbfs.5956

(1 R ,2 S ,5 R )-5-Methyl-2-(propan-2-yl)cyclohexyl 4-amino-3-phenylbutanoate hydrochloride: Synthesis and anticonvulsant activity

Nesterkina M, Musatov V, Honcharova O, Kravchenko I (2022)

Open Chemistry 20 (1): 703-707DOI: 10.1515/chem-2022-0189

New Ketene Dithioacetals Generated from 2-Nitroperchlorobutadiene and Investigation of Their Antibacterial, Antifungal, Anticonvulsant and Antidepressant Activities

Aydinli S, Bulut E, Deniz N, Sayil C, Komarovska-Porokhnyavets O, Lubenets V, Zvarych V, Stasevych M, Nesterkina M, Kravchenko I (2022)

Chemistry & Biodiversity 19 (7)DOI: 10.1002/cbdv.202100931


Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of novel naphthoquinone derivatives containing 1,2,4-triazine and 1,2,4-triazole moieties of methylene blue on the surface of a "core–shell" type catalyst for the Fenton system

Polish N, Nesterkina M, Protunkevych M, Karkhut A, Marintsova N, Polovkovych S, IKravchenko I, Voskoboinik O, Kovalenko S, Karpenko O (2021)

Vopr. Khim. Khim. Tekhnol. (5): 97-104DOI: 10.32434/0321-4095-2021-138-5-97-104

Novel (‒)-carvone derivatives as potential anticonvulsant and analgesic agents

Nesterkina M, Barbalat D, Konovalova I, Shishkina S, Atakay M, Salih B, Kravchenko I (2021)

Natural product research 35 (23): 4978-4987DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2020.1756804

Simultaneous Complexation and Microextraction Using Verbenone Hydrazone as the Ligand with Slotted Quartz Tube-Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (FAAS) for the Sensitive Determination of Copper

Özzeybek G, Borahan T, Nesterkina M, Kravchenko I, Bakirdere S (2021)

Analytical letters 54 (14): 2376-2386DOI: 10.1080/00032719.2020.1866594

Quantitative structure–activity relationship study on prolonged anticonvulsant activity of terpene derivatives in pentylenetetrazole test

Nesterkina M, Muratov V, Ognichenko L, Kravchenko I, Kuz’min V (2021)

Open Chemistry 19 (1): 1184-1192DOI: 10.1515/chem-2021-0108

Rheological Properties of Hyaluronic Acid Diluted Solutions as Components of Cosmetics

Svetlana Saitarly, Yuriy Pushkarev, Nesterkina M, Serhat Öztürk, Iryna Kravchenko (2021)

Biointerface Res Appl Chem 12 (2): 1907-1915DOI: 10.33263/BRIAC122.19071915

Terpenoid Hydrazones as Biomembrane Penetration Enhancers: FT-IR Spectroscopy and Fluorescence Probe Studies

Nesterkina M, Smola S, Rusakova N, Kravchenko I (2021)

Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) 27 (1)DOI: 10.3390/molecules27010206


9,10-Anthraquinone Dithiocarbamates as Potential Pharmaceutical Substances with Pleiotropic Actions: Computerized Prediction of Biological Activity and Experimental Validation

Stasevich M, Zvarich V, Novikov V, Zagorodnyaya S, Povnitsa O, Chaika M, Nesterkina M, Kravchenko I, Druzhilovskii D, Poroikov V (2020)

Pharm Chem J 53 (10): 905-913DOI: 10.1007/s11094-020-02098-x

Phytochemical analysis and anti-inflammatory activity of Cladophora aegagropila extract

Aleksandrova A, Nesterkina M, Gvozdii S, Kravchenko I (2020)

J Herbmed Pharmacol 9 (1): 81-85DOI: 10.15171/jhp.2020.12

Design, synthesis and pharmacological profile of (−)-verbenone hydrazones

Nesterkina M, Barbalat D, Kravchenko I (2020)

Open Chemistry 18 (1): 943-950DOI: 10.1515/chem-2020-0103

Synthesis and Evaluation on Anticonvulsant and Antidepressant Activities of Naphthoquinone Derivatives Containing Pyrazole and Pyrimidine Fragments

Polish N, Nesterkina M, Marintsova N, Karkhut A, Kravchenko I, Novikov V, Khairulin A (2020)

ACSi 67 (3): 934-939DOI: 10.17344/acsi.2020.5938

Toxic effect and genotoxicity of carvacrol ethers in Drosophila melanogaster

Nesterkina M, Bilokon S, Alieksieieva T, Chebotar S, Kravchenko I (2020)

Mutat. Res. 821 (2)DOI: 10.1016/j.mrfmmm.2020.111713

QSAR models for analgesic activity prediction of terpenes and their derivatives

Nesterkina M, Ognichenko L, Shyrykalova A, Kravchenko I, Kuz’min V (2020)

Struct Chem 31 (3): 947-954DOI: 10.1007/s11224-019-01479-7


Nesterkina M, Barbalat D, Rakipov I, Kravchenko I (2020)

Molbank 2020 (4)DOI: 10.3390/M1164


Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity of ointment based on dense ginger extract (Zingiber officinale)

Kravchenko I, Eberle L, Nesterkina M, Kobernik A (2019)

J Herbmed Pharmacol 8 (2): 126-132DOI: 10.15171/jhp.2019.20

Pharmacotherapy of inflammatory process by ginger extract (Zingiber officinale) ointment

Kravchenko I, Eberle L, Nesterkina M, Kobernik A (2019)

J Herbmed Pharmacol 8 (2): 101-107DOI: 10.15171/jhp.2019.16

Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Vanillin Derivatives

Boiko Y, Nesterkina M, Shandra A, Kravchenko I (2019)

Pharm Chem J 53 (7): 650-654DOI: 10.1007/s11094-019-02056-2

Effect of esters based on terpenoids and GABA on fluidity of phospholipid membranes

Nesterkina M, Smola S, Kravchenko I (2019)

J. Liposome Res. 29 (3): 239-246DOI: 10.1080/08982104.2018.1538238

(2S,5R)-2-Isopropyl-5-methylcyclohexanone Hydrazones

Nesterkina M, Barbalat D, Zheltvay I, Rakipov I, Atakay M, Salih B, Kravchenko I (2019)

Molbank 2019 (2)DOI: 10.3390/M1062


Repellent activity of monoterpenoid esters with neurotransmitter amino acids against yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti

Nesterkina M, Bernier U, Tabanca N, Kravchenko I (2018)

Open Chemistry 16 (1): 95-98DOI: 10.1515/chem-2018-0015

The influence of monoterpenoids and phenol derivatives on Drosophila melanogaster viability

Nesterkina M, Bilokon S, Alieksieieva T, Chubyk I, Kravchenko I (2018)

Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 21 (3): 793-796DOI: 10.1016/j.aspen.2018.06.004


Synthesis and Pharmacological Properties of Novel Esters Based on Monoterpenoids and Glycine

Nesterkina M, Kravchenko I (2017)

Pharmaceuticals (Basel, Switzerland) 10 (2)DOI: 10.3390/ph10020047

(1R,2S,5R)-2-Isopropyl-5-methylcyclohexyl 4-Aminobutyrate Hydrochloride

Nesterkina M, Shishkina S, Maltsev G, Rakipov I, Kravchenko I (2017)

Molbank 2017 (3)DOI: 10.3390/M956


Synthesis and Anticonvulsant Activity of Menthyl γ-Aminobutyrate

Nesterkina M, Kravchenko I (2016)

Chem Nat Compd 52 (2): 237-239DOI: 10.1007/s10600-016-1604-9

Synthesis and Anticonvulsant Activity of New Calix[4]Arene Derivatives Containing Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid Moieties

Nesterkina M, Alekseeva E, Kravchenko I (2016)

Pharm Chem J 49 (12): 825-829DOI: 10.1007/s11094-016-1380-7

Synthesis and Pharmacological Properties of Novel Esters Based on Monocyclic Terpenes and GABA

Nesterkina M, Kravchenko I (2016)

Pharmaceuticals (Basel, Switzerland) 9 (2)DOI: 10.3390/ph9020032

Analgesic Activity of Novel GABA Esters after Transdermal Delivery

Nesterkina M, Kravchenko I (2016)

Nat. Prod. Commun. 11 (10)DOI: 10.1177/1934578X1601101001


Synthesis, Physicochemical Properties, and Anticonvulsant Activity of the Gaba Complex with a Calix[4]Arene derivative

Nesterkina M, Alekseeva E, Kravchenko I (2014)

Pharm Chem J 48 (2): 82-84DOI: 10.1007/s11094-014-1052-4