Researcher in Laboratory © HIPS

Dr Florian Hubrich


Florian Hubrich studied chemistry and biology at the University of Freiburg. Following his Staatsexamen, he started a PhD in chemical biology supervised by Jennifer Andexer and Michael Müller at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Freiburg and graduated at the end of 2014. Afterwards, Florian Hubrich moved to Switzerland and worked for the Bachem AG, a world leading company for peptide drug manufacturing, as project chemist for analytical method development and group leader for in-process control. In 2019, he returned to academia and joined Jörn Piel’s lab as a postdoctoral researcher at the ETH Zurich. For his postdoctoral research, he studied the biosynthesis of ribosomally synthesized and post-translational modified peptides (RiPPs). In 2024, Hubrich started his junior research group at the Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS) and the Saarland University.

Florian Hubrich’s research interest is the expansion of the natural product chemical space at the interface of primary and secondary metabolism. His group will focus on the bioengineering of antimicrobial lipopeptides to understand the effect of distinct lipid moieties on bioactivity and therapeutic properties.