Timo Risch


Timo studied pharmacy at the Saarland University. During his studies, he was an Erasmus+ trainee in the School of Pharmacy at the University of East Anglia in England and worked as a student research assistant in the area of biopharmacy and pharmaceutical technology. After his graduation in 2019, Timo was employed as a pharmacist trainee at Boehringer Ingelheim in the development of multifunctional antibodies. After completing his license as a pharmacist in 2020, Timo worked for an additional study graduation as M. Sc. in Pharmacy, in the group of Prof. Dr. Rolf Müller at the Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research. He finished his Master-Thesis about DMPK and toxicological investigations of novel oligopeptide derivatives, called cystobactamids, in 2021 and continued as PhD-student at HIPS. Parallel to his doctoral studies, he started his specialization as an expert pharmacist for pharmaceutical analysis and technology. His research includes bioanalytical and proteomics approaches for further investigations of PK/PD properties of bioactive natural products, with a special interest in binding-side and off-target identification.